Sunday, November 13, 2011

the other side

Tannah dreamed of snow - thick blankets of it, covering the world in white. Bells chimed out, announcing the arrival of winter. She woke exhilerated, and rushed to the window, but was quickly disappointed at the view which greeted her, that of the dull gray pavement outside her dormitory. No snow was in sight.

She passed through her day dejectedly, finding no pleasure in her classes or schoolwork, or her meals at the dorm, or retreating to her sparsely furnished room, alone.

Later that night, instead of finishing her homework, she put on a heavy coat, scarf and hat, and went for a walk in the cold winter air. She headed for campus, knowing that it would be deserted at this hour. Street lights cast patches of pale yellow light on the way. She inhaled the cold air, tasting it on her tongue.

Her favorite part of campus was the creek by the art building. After some moments she arrived there, and stood and gazed at the black water flowing slowly by. Ancient oak trees reached over the water. The water made slight rippling sounds as it flowed over rocks.

In the fall she had made it a ritual to come here and throw pebbles into the water. She would come on days when she was depressed, and stared morosely as the ripples slowly expanded on the surface of the water.

Tonight, there was something there.

She couldn't make out what it was at first, just a hazy white blur on the edge of her vision. She approached closer, with curiosity and caution.

It was a hand, pale white, and moving. 

to be ctd...

[this story idea goes back maybe 20 years. i'm finally trying to write it. it's separate from the k trilogy.]

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