Sunday, April 22, 2012

cardboard box robot

for a recent computer graphics project, we had to make a stick figure that played some motion capture data (where someone does some actions wearing a bunch of position sensors). we could do various things for extra credit, so i made him into a cardboard box robot. he gets pushed around a lot. the purple boxes i just threw in there - he can walk through them.

the cardboard doesn't look very good - i was hoping for something more realistic. but something like below is probably out of reach for real time rendering, at least for a while.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

a drawing

i have this little sketchbook, 4x6" or so, and tonight felt like drawing something. it's something i was trying to paint last fall and it went nowhere. it's not much, but it was fun to do, and it makes me want to do more.

her body is too big though. i might keep working on it. i had started to fill in the folds on the dress, but it seemed like it was distracting from the rest of the picture. but it looks kind of blank now. and i might add a tree in the window.


the reference is jane morris, photographed by dante gabriel rossetti -

ray tracing

for the next assignment in one of my classes we're going to be doing ray tracing. it's where you trace the path of the light rays to draw a scene. they won't be as nice as these, though - we're not doing soft shadows. these look almost like paintings.