Saturday, April 21, 2012

a drawing

i have this little sketchbook, 4x6" or so, and tonight felt like drawing something. it's something i was trying to paint last fall and it went nowhere. it's not much, but it was fun to do, and it makes me want to do more.

her body is too big though. i might keep working on it. i had started to fill in the folds on the dress, but it seemed like it was distracting from the rest of the picture. but it looks kind of blank now. and i might add a tree in the window.


the reference is jane morris, photographed by dante gabriel rossetti -


  1. I don't think her body is too big--maybe just seems like it because you didn't put in the folds of the material yet. Very nice. (now I'm all caught up on your blog too!)

    1. thanks pam, maybe so... i haven't picked it up again yet, but i thought it would be fun to try to do a drawing a night.

  2. did you use charcoal to shade the paper before sketching? or is that the color of the original paper? I really like the hue with the sketch. and her gaze seems bored in the original. and in your sketch she seems to be gazing at the rose, or just turned she is pondering something. I like your sketch better than the original.

    1. thank you, a - the paper is just slightly yellowish sketchbook paper, which got a bit darkened by the camera. but i do like the technique of shading the paper and then erasing it for highlights. and i like your description of her eyes. :)
